PDO threads

PDO threads, also known as polydioxanone threads, are a type of medical-grade thread commonly used in various cosmetic procedures.


What Are the PDO Threads?

  • Polydioxanone (PDO) threads are thin, biodegradable sutures made from a synthetic material.
  • They have been used in surgical procedures since the 1980s due to their strength and safety profile.

How They Work

  • During a thread lift procedure, PDO threads are inserted beneath the skin.
  • These threads provide immediate lift and stimulate collagen production over time.
  • Collagen growth gradually firms the tissue, resulting in a more youthful appearance.


  • PDO threads are commonly used for facial rejuvenation, especially in areas like the midface, lower face, jawline, and under the chin.
  • Some providers also offer specialized thread lifts for the outer corner of the upper eyelid (cat eye or fox eye thread lift).

PDO Mono Thread Lift

Encourages an increase of collagen in your body by triggering fibroblasts. Collagen is a protein that gives your skin elasticity and structure. The loss of collagen is one of the leading causes of ageing skin.

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