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YAG Laser Treatments

A non-invasive and non-ablative laser, providing fantastic results with no downtime.

This is an ideal laser option for dark skin types, which sometimes don’t respond well to other types of lasers.

The Nd:YAG laser can also be used to stimulate collagen production, resulting in a more youthful appearance and reduced appearance of wrinkles.

Discounted package prices are available for all treatments.


Works on active acne, enlarged pores and comedonal acne.

It removes excess keratin and sebum that is clogging your sebaceous ducts. This will result in fewer breakouts over time.

Carbon Laser Peel

In contrast to most peels, carbon laser peels use heat instead of chemicals to treat skin concerns.

It requires no downtime, and is more suitable for those with sensitive skin.

Click here for more information on carbon laser peels.

Laser Hair Removal

This laser is particularly effective for those with darker skin tones.

Click here for more information about laser hair removal, as well as our price lists.


An effective and safe way to rid yourself of that stubborn fungal infection.

Topical treatments are unable to penetrate the nail plate, so they are often less effective. Oral treatments can cause adverse reactions in some individuals.

Lasers are a more promising type of treatment, with a high cure rate and safety record.

Skin Resurfacing

The laser is used to heat the collagen within your skin. This gives you an immediate lifting effect. It also stimulates production of new collagen for a long-term filler effect.

Overall, you will see a reduction in redness and improvement in skin texture,


The laser energy is delivered through long pulses, which are converted into heat within the tissue.

This allows for treatment of vascular lesions such as spider veins, port-wine stains, leg veins, venous lakes and blue vessels.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions you will need will depend on the severity of the issue you are treating, as well as your desired results. Speak to your practitioner for more details.

Treatment Summary


Treatment time:

Speak to your practitioner.

Recovery time:

No downtime.